Monday, 14 April 2008

I am the son of the Night.
The darkest smile upon my face
Makes all the lights turn down.
All the wishes I have shared with the imortal souls
Now they come to eat me from the inside,
Exposign the flesh and bone from my very self!
I am away,
And my mouth is thirsty for your blood!
Yes, I shall take your blood
And see the spark in your eyes fadeing...
You'll be just a pale ghost
That will be hungry for your flesh,
But away from everything you always had.
I want you to die in my arms
Tragically, but slowly,
Suffering, begging incessaly...
I want you to die..
To die

You deserve so much... my hands poisoning your mouth
And your throat being closed
No air for your lungs
And they turn black as your heart
And fade
Being nothing
Like you've ever been..
You're nothing.

I am the son of the Night
Drink the poison from my veins
Because I shall find you

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